National retailers: Stop ignoring local SEO

National retailers’ digital divisions often think of their websites as e-commerce sites first and local store sites second. Columnist Andrew Shotland explains why this mindset may be hurting their ability to get the most out of organic search. When I worked in NBC’s...

Why is SEO Better than PPC?

Why is SEO Better than PPC? SEO (search engine optimisation) and PPC (Pay Per Click) may be considered ‘sisters’ in the online marketing world; however in reality they are always in contention. Part of the problem stems from the way they are used competitively to help...

Guidelines for representing your business on Google

Summary: Listings on Google My Business can only be created for businesses that either have a physical location that customers can visit, or that travel to visit customers where they are. Creating a successful listing that won’t be suspended requires avoiding...

Now we know: Here are Google’s top 3 search ranking factors

Google’s Andrey Lipattsev reveals links, content and RankBrain are the top three ranking signals in Google’s search algorithm. Wondering what factors help you rank better on Google? For the first time, we have a top three list: links, content and...

Google local knowledge panel testing promotion box

Google is testing a new Google local knowledge panel layout with owners promotions. Google seems to be testing a new box in the local knowledge box panel that allows Google My Business owners to post deals and promotions below their core listing. This was spotted by...