What’s up with rubber ducks and Jeeps?
Some found Jeep Ducking, when you find another Jeep in the wild, you leave a rubber duck somewhere on it for the owner to find. The goal is that they’ll post a photo of it on social media, and then pass the duck along to keep the game going.
What does it mean to find a duck on your Jeep?
Finding a duck on your Jeep is an act of kindness where other Jeep owners place rubber ducks on each other’s cars.
What is Ducked Jeep or Duck Duck Jeep?
In 2020, the Duck Duck Jeep movement was created by Allison Parliament in Ontario, Canada, and is continuously growing across the United States, reflecting acts of kindness.
Jeep owners display their ducks in what some call the “duck pond,” the dashboard area in the vehicle made for sunglasses — a daily reminder of how they were gifted their rubber duck travelers.
What is the craze behind the ducks?
Pictures of rubber ducks on Jeeps have been all over social media lately. Maybe you’ve even discovered one on your own Jeep. What is happening? Jeep ducking, that’s what. Also referred to as “duck duck Jeep,” Jeep ducking is a game/trend/craze that has taken over the world recently, and it doesn’t show any signs of stopping.
How can I continue the acts of kindness with other Jeeps?
Whether you are in your Jeep or not, carry a few ducks with you for other Jeeps. If you have an assortment of ducks, try to match each Jeep’s personality with each unique rubber duck.
What is the secret Jeep wave?
The Jeep Wave generally consists of a vigorous side-to-side motion of one or both hands, a raised hand waving, or two or four fingers extending upward from the steering wheel. While these are generally what describes the Jeep Wave, it may be modified to suit circumstances and locally accepted etiquette.
Upon passing a Jeep with a higher score in the hierarchy, the Jeep driver is required to initiate the Wave and continue to wave until it is returned, ignored, or the other driver has driven passed.
Things You Should Know
• Jeep ducking is a trend where Jeep owners put rubber ducks on other Jeeps for fun.
• To participate, buy rubber ducks and place them on random Jeeps you encounter. Include a note explaining how the game works.
• If you find a rubber duck on your Jeep, share a pic of it on social media and pass the duck along to another Jeep owner.
Things You Should Know
• Jeep ducking is a trend where Jeep owners put rubber ducks on other Jeeps for fun.
• To participate, buy rubber ducks and place them on random Jeeps you encounter. Include a note explaining how the game works.
• If you find a rubber duck on your Jeep, share a pic of it on social media and pass the duck along to another Jeep owner.
Even More…
How to Start Jeep Ducking
Buy rubber ducks.
Use the OG yellow rubber ducks, a colorful rainbow pack, or a themed variety (think holiday-themed rubber ducks or ducks dressed like pirates and astronauts). Any type of rubber duck is perfect! Some people even use inflatable rubber duck pool floaties. Definitely don’t be afraid to get creative. Just make sure you’re not damaging anyone’s vehicle.
Create custom notes for your ducks.
While discovering a rubber duck on your car with no explanation attached might be kind of fun (or maybe a bit ominous?), it’s much more fun for people if they know why they’re getting a rubber duck in the first place. Plus, by leaving a note that explains the game, you empower the stranger to pass on the duck and keep the ball rolling. Write directly on the duck itself, or attach a tag or slip of paper using a rubber band or elastic.
At a minimum, include something along the lines of “Duck duck Jeep” or “Your Jeep has been ducked.”
Many veteran Jeep duckers also include a note prompting people to upload a picture of their duck to social media using the hashtags #duckedjeep and #duckduckjeep.
Place a duck on any Jeeps you encounter.
Stash the ducks and notes you made in your car so you have them on hand. Whenever you spot a Jeep, place a duck and note on the driver’s side door handle, the hood, or at the base of the windshield. Just make sure it’s somewhere visible so the owner of the Jeep doesn’t drive off without seeing it!
If You Receive a Jeep Duck
Take a pic of the duck and post it on social media.
While this isn’t necessary, it is a fun way to spread the message and keep the game alive. Use the hashtags #duckingjeeps and #duckduckjeep when you post the picture so other people can find it. There are even Facebook pages dedicated to Jeep ducking that you can post your pictures to.
Pass the duck along to another Jeep owner.
This definitely isn’t a requirement (sometimes you want to keep the cute rubber duck you got—that’s valid), but many people choose to pass any ducks they receive onto other Jeep owners so the game keeps going. If you’re cool parting with the rubber duck you received, set it on any Jeep you see the next time you’re out driving!